Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 3 - Rain, rain go away!!!

We are learning to make the best of the rainy weather and have a good time.  Today was Practice Discipleship.  We gathered at the Marriott with the rest of the NE Synod.  We worshiped with Bishop Payne and then worked our way through the 7 Faith Practices.  We only made it thru 5...

We only made it thru 5 because there where more severe thunderstorms in the area and they had to release us early.  We were asked to go back to our hotels, out to lunch or to the convention center.  We chose the convention center.  We planted some grass seedlings that will help restore the vanishing marshes in New Orleans (they lose approximately a football field worth of land every 45 minutes), I gave blood (438 pints have been donated in the last 3 days), we made bracelets and played bumper cars. We made the best of our day!

Tonight at the dome we heard from 3 speakers about the art of Peacemaking.  One is Noble Peace Prize winner.  Leymah Gbowee taught us that we don't need to be Gandhi, a king, Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King Jr to be a peacemaker, we need only shine our own light.  If we all combine our little lights we will light up the world.  We took out our cells shined them and sang "This Little Light of Mine"  With Ms. Gbowee. She was wonderful.

We also heard from Diane Latiker.  She lives on the South side of Chicago and founded a foundation names "Kids off the Block" This organization has helped to keep kids off the streets, deter gang violence and lift kids up to their full potential.  She couldn't wait to go home and tell everyone she has seen the future leaders of the world and they she knows they will make a difference in this world.

Lastly we heard from Jamie Nabozny.  He was bullied as youth, to the point he had to be rushed to a hospital to repair the physical damage from the violence he suffered at the hands of his bullies.  He reminded us that we have the power to stop bulling.   We can stand up and say "Enough!", we can tell an adult who will be able to address the situation and we can befriend the person being bullied. 

Over all this evening was very moving and emotional (at least for me)  I found myself tearing up many times as I listened to the speakers and songs.  "Jesus Loves Me", played by a bluesy saxophone and 30,000 kids & adults singing just reminded me I am a child of God and his love for me is profound and overwhelming.

Pray for us and our next two days.  I am hoping for a little less rain, but know we will make the best of it no matter what.

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