Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What a trip!

Our last day was spent worshipping in the Superdome and then we explored the French Quarter.  We capped our night off with a ghost tour in the French Quarter.  It was an incredible trip and I am so happy that I got to spend my week with 3 great youth.  They made the trip exciting and fun and I can only help they come back as renewed in spirit as I did.

Jackson Square - We met Ryan, Dan and Karen, who toured the French Quarter with us.

We checked out a few stores.

Then we went on a Ghost Tour in the French Quater, it actually gave us a lot of historical facts about the city and how it was settled

Sandra Bollock house (we also saw Brad & Angies' place, Francis Ford Coppalla's and Nick Cage's)

We shared our last meal in the Big Easy on Bourbon Street at the Cajun Cabin

I also want to share some links to the speakers we listened to during our week.

You can check all the videos here:

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